"Our Trips"??
Well, here's the funny thing...
We don't have "trips".
Wild Turkey Paddlers does not sponsor or endorse trips, nor do we provide experienced trip leaders and formal training.
WTPaddlers.org (or This web site) is a source of information and a portal to find other paddlers with whom you can share the experience.
On these web pages, you will find some helpful information and common-sense tips and suggestions from people who love to paddle. You will find no rules.
YOU are responsible for yourself and for your safety. Paddling can be dangerous, and it's plain common sense that you should be aware of the dangers and how to ensure your own safety.
Ok - enough finger wagging. Let's get back to the fun part. When and how can I get together with other people to go kayaking???
The primary portal for hooking up with other people to go on trips is via the message forum on this website. You will find two sub-forums there. One is General Discussion, and the other is Upcoming Trips.
The General Discussion area is pretty much what you'd expect. Talk about anything paddling related, but do not discuss upcoming trips there.
Only people who have registered with the forum software can access the Upcoming Trips section. Part of the registration process requires that you agree to a simple disclaimer.
In this section, anyone can announce a trip that they're planning. This is very informal. Just supply your basic plans - where/when, and hopefully others will chime in and express an interest in going with you.
Or... simply keep an eye out for trips that are being planned and join ones that interest you and fit in with your schedule.
Some paddling clubs have a type of trip that is often called "Show 'n' Go", where the information is posted and you simply show up if you'd like to join the trip. Several of the core members of our group have talked about this and agree that we're not so thrilled with the concept for several reasons.
First, and probably most importantly, if the trip is at all challenging and could be dangerous, we'd be uncomfortable having someone along with whom we're unfamiliar. Given the variety of difficulty levels, regular participants would like to get an idea of your experience level before you participate in a trip the first time. Participants don't want to discourage you, but they want you to be comfortable with the conditions you are likely to experience on the trip you are interested in!
Also, it's good to know who will be showing up for the trip so that if you're late, we'll wait a few additional minutes for you. But try very hard to be on time, otherwise you'll be the butt of endless jokes throughout the trip and will have to buy the beer when we get back. (No... not really.)
Occasionally, one-way trips will require some car shuttling, and having an unexpected addition to the group could be an issue.
And every once in a while, someone will get ambitious and bring some fun food to prepare for everyone. They'll want to know who's coming so that they can bring enough.
I can't stress this point enough: It is never the case that we feel that you are not "good enough" to paddle with us. It's simply a matter of erring on the side of caution and using common sense regarding everyone's safety.
Sure - the high-end ocean excursions may be what many of us are dreaming about all the time, but there are some wonderful local trips that would be perfect for the inexperienced paddler, such as the North River upstream from Union Street, or Duxbury Bay north of the Powder Point Bridge. Many of the more experience paddlers still enjoy these trips and will be glad to go to these locations with you.
As you become comfortable with one level of paddling, you can start to take on more challenging trips, if that's your interest.
Reliable rescue skills enhance your ability to feel comfortable in more challenging conditions and provide the opportunity to participate in more excursions available on the Trips Forum.
Throughout the warmer months, a group meets at a location in Hanson every other Thursday evening to develop rescue skills. There is no charge to attend. It's a very casual event, and you don't have to go to every meeting. It's not like a school-based class where you'll "fall behind". Show up when you can.
(I'll post more detailed information on this as soon as I have it.)
If you're interested in these rescue classes, or in learning rescue skills elsewhere, you should invest in a Paddle Float and a Bilge Pump. These can be purchased for about $20 each.
Hopefully I've answered some questions and given you a better idea of who we are, what we do, and what you can gain by hanging around here.
And we're looking forward to paddling with you soon!