Reports are now created by the trip leaders and placed in the Trip Reports forum.
September 1, 2010
By Briggsy
Photos by Norm Caseley
I originally posted this trip as "Monomoy Thursday 29th July" (now in "Past Trips") but the weather got in the way and I had to cancel. This was my third trip to Monomoy this year and was exclusively open only to members of the yellow kayak club which at present consist of Norm, Bea, Barb and yours truly.
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Washburn Island Overnight
May 22/23, 2010
By Pat Traynor
It all started, as most good things do, with a bunch of us sitting around drinking. In this particular case, it was at a mid-winter WTP gathering. Someone brought up the subject of camping at Washburn, and everyone was interested.
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The Graves Lighthouse
May 1, 2010
By Norm Caseley
We launched and headed along the shore for a while but then pretty much angled across the channel straight out towards Boston Light as there was still almost no boat traffic. Jordan was out in the lead as usual but Chip W. was keeping up with him pretty well.
[ Abridged report... ]

September 19, 2009
By Pat Traynor
And we were off! The current was really helping us. My GPS told me that I was doing 7 mph at a casual paddle. Once we made the first bend and headed south down that straightaway, the wind started helping, and the first leg of the trip was a breeze. (Hahaha... I kill myself, sometimes.)
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Buzzard's Bay
Ned's Pt. to Sippican Harbor & Bird I.
September 5, 2009
By Nelson Pidgeon
We headed out around Angelica Point then north towards Sippican Harbor. After a short while we could see what looked like a lighthouse to the northeast but we were still a little too far away to be completely certain. As we drew closer it became more evident that it was in fact a lighthouse and it appeared to be in the same vicinity as Bird Island. I have not paddled this stretch of the coast before and had never heard there was a lighthouse on Bird.
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June 13, 2009
By Pat Traynor
This year, I decided to push recreational paddling in the group more than we've done before. I'd always felt that there are plenty of recreational paddlers out there interested in joining, but when they read our forums, they see a lot of high end paddling discussion - talking drysuits, vhf radios, and 30 mile trips into a headwind, uphill both ways.
Turns out I was right...
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August 9, 2008
By Chip Hebert
This trip reminded me of why I fell in love with kayaking in the first place. Being able to go places not everyone can get to, exploring historical sites or jungle like trails. Then, getting back in the boat and negotiating the harbor chop or viewing the clouds in the glass topped water. We had all of this on Saturday.
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Round Prudence Island
July 19, 2008
By Chris Rolt
We paused a bit to regroup after the group got spread out. As we got near the end of the island to gap between Prudence and Patience looked a bit different than what I was expecting. After watching a boat come thru we knew that we were near the northern tip and pulled ashore to take a swim break. With the wind and waves we had made excellent progress up the island.
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Monument Beach to Squeteague Harbor
June 22, 2008
By Nelson Pidgeon
I've never experienced anything other than a little rain in my four seasons of paddling and even that was expected based on the weather forecast. But every so often the conditions outweigh the forecast and you usually return from your paddle with an exciting tale to tell. It's these paddles that settle into your memory and stay awhile. Sunday the 22nd was one of those days.
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May 30, 2008
By Noseykate
What Mark's stats don't mention is the ferry. The very one that had so quickly carried me to MV last week was now bearing down on us. Fast. This is a very intimidating sight. I did not think Mark recognized the importance of not being hit by the ferry - he was chatting and paddling along as though we were at Hingham. It was left to me to do the worrying about death by ferry.
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1/18/2008 - 1/27/2008
By Ron Wiik
Tuesday's paddle was to the south into the mangroves to check out the birds. Then at sunset, we headed out to Bird Island. This was a small island with a small population during the day, but at sundown, hundreds of birds flock in from all directions.
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September 8, 2007
By Jordan Jacobs
Point revealed what kind of a day we were going to have. We had a very aggressive paddle directly into the wind and rolling seas, going out but would have the reverse on the return trip. We all hung out at the point holding position into the wind and surf. We polled everyone to make sure everyone was comfortable paddling in these conditions. Each person was good to go, and off we went.
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August 11, 2007
By Nelson Pidgeon
We paddled past Wickets and Onset Islands but after that nothing seemed to easily coincide with what was on the chart. As we reached the tip of Hogs Neck we gathered up for a channel crossing which was far enough from the Cape Cod Canal that the current was hardly noticeable. A two masted schooner came through the channel giving those of us with cameras a great photo op. The crossing went well and provided us with quite a bit of rolling texture from the plentitude of summer boat traffic.
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July 14, 2007
By Linda Burke
The Woods Hole passage, when traversed at the wrong moment (bad weather or up to 6 knot tidal currents) can really ruin your day. Many of us have experienced hair raising paddles when the wind kicked up 5 foot waves, or the current swept us into areas we did not want to be; like upside down or in the path of the Newport Ferry. Those were the times that we privately pleaded with a higher power, "Please, oh please, get me out of this watery and wobbly debacle in one piece!"
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June 16, 2007
By Finn McCool
As we moved closer to the ocean, the water in the river took on a distinctly different character...much clearer and more active. I saw several large fish cruise right underneath my kayak...while off to both sides fast moving little white seabirds patrolled the air...making frequent dives to pick up minnows and launch themselves back to the sky with their wriggling breakfasts.
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June 23, 2007
By Nelson Pidgeon
We readied our boats and were soon on the water and heading southwest to follow the coast around Magnolia Point to Kettle Island. A half mile off the beach was Ten Pound Island sporting it's small but quaint Ten Pound Light. Adam didn't take too long to start aggravating the fish as the rest of us pressed on towards our destination.
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May 12, 2007
By Nelson Pidgeon
K1 - Nelson, Steve, Jordan, Bob and Adam (trip leader)
We made our way east through the Ram Islands then headed south towards House Island. The winds were coming from the NE and we had quartering to beam seas averaging 2 feet the whole way out. Having been out only a few times this season and knowing the water temps were right around 50 degrees none of us were too keen on finding out what 50 degrees felt like so needless to say we were paying close attention.
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August 5, 2006
By Chip Hebert
K1 - Nelson, Ron, Pat, Jordan, Roy, Chip (trip leader)
At one time this was a long term goal of mine. It's amazing how far we have come in 2 years. It was nice to finally get out there. It looks so much more daunting on a map. The great weather, water conditions, research and planning helped to keep it an uneventful day on the water.
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September 5, 2005
By Nelson Pidgeon
K1 - Nelson Pidgeon, Ron Wiik, Pat Traynor
As we paddled closer, Minot's Light loomed large in front of us. It wasn't on an island and we couldn't see any rocks around its base. It looked like it came right from the ocean floor. It was awesome! I needed to take pictures of this but was worried about losing my camera, and with these swells...... But there was no way I could leave here without pictures.
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August 20, 2005
By Dave Keefer
K1 - Dave Keefer (trip leader), Todd Prentice, Nelson Pidgeon
We headed directly to Hangman's for our first stop. It was a about a 45 minute paddle to the island. We put in on the beach on the East side of the island. Hangman's was quite transformed since I had been there last, what had been a rocky and sandy desert was covered with weeds, lots of golden rod, queen ann's lace, and there were beach roses around the rocks.
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Boston Harbor
August 6, 2005
By Craig Paton
K1 - Craig Paton (Trip Leader), Nelson Pidgeon, Pat Traynor
The trip around Spectacle provided the best "sea kayaking" conditions of the day. The swell was easily 2' and in a fairly confused state because of the ever present reflections off the rip rap surrounding Spectacle's shoreline. Wind waves and distant boat wakes added to the fun! Everybody got their bow deep in at least once, with some water coming over on occasion.
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Falmouth, MA
July 24, 2005
By Pat Traynor
K1 - Pat Traynor (Trip Leader), Chip Hebert, Nelson Pidgeon, Ron Wiik
We headed south down Childs River, primarily a long skinny harbor filled with boats valued more than my house. We took a left on Seapit River and entered Waquoit Bay. As we rounded the turn to head south with Washburn Island on our right, there was an osprey nest on the corner. Standing room only. We guessed that the nest was full of old-ish osprey young.
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June 26, 2005
By Steven Roberts
K1 - Todd Prentice, Steven Roberts
The wind was out of the Southwest, so it wasn't until we passed beyond Powder Point that we experienced the 1-2 foot chop being created by the significant fetch that started at the other end of the bay. We discussed the condtions and decided that we both felt comfortable with a heading of Saquish Village. We determined that the best approach was to cross over to the Gurnet, and then follow it across.
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June 23, 2005
By Chip Hebert
K1 - Chip Hebert, Pat Traynor, Bea Ellis, Ron Wiik
The launch was a little rough. It was very rocky and right at a bridge where the current was very strong. We all made it and were on our way. The river was well wooded and lined with thick brush. Very Amazon like. (Not that I have seen the Amazon). Because the vegetation was so thick, the river looked the same as we passed each bend. I bet in the fall, it would be much nicer.
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June 18, 2005
By Todd Prentice
K1 - Nelson Pidgeon, Steve Roberts, Craig Paton, Dave Keefer, Todd Prentice (trip leader)
We paddled around the dock and went ashore landing our yaks above the high tide line. A small climb over some rocks got us up to the dock where a sign told us of the history and geology of Bumpkin. A ranger station (a euphemism for a dirty rundown bunker) was immediately to the right and Craig had told us this was where the rangers would greet campers and give information about the islands to hikers.
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June 4, 2005
By Nelson Pidgeon
K1 - Nelson Pidgeon (Trip Leader), Todd Prentice, Bea Ellis, Wendy, Lynn
Our second visit to the Duxbury Back River was not near as interesting as our first but the day improved significantly when we decided to paddle back to the Bay, down the Bluefish River to the Washington St. Bridge. This was a perfect day for paddling and a welcome change from the weather we've been having.
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May 30, 2005
By Nelson Pidgeon
K1 - Nelson Pidgeon (Trip Leader), Pat Traynor, Chip Hebert, Ron Wiik, Bea Ellis, Janet, Todd Prentice
There's an old saying in these parts, "If you don't like the weather in New England... just wait a minute." Well in this case it was more like an hour but it was definitely well worth the wait.
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May 29, 2005
By Chip Hebert
K1 - Steven Roberts (Trip Leader), Pat Traynor, Nelson Pidgeon, Chip Hebert
This was one of the nicest launch spots I have seen in a while. Nice, calm sandy beach. We set off like the explorers before us looking for a shortcut to Barnstable Harbor. Also like many explorers before us, we failed. Although we had a heck of a time in doing so.
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May 11, 2005
By Pat Traynor
K1 - Pat Traynor
It was a gorgeous spring day with temperatures near 80 degrees. After so much crummy weekend weather and another one being forecasted, Sue told me that I should take the afternoon off and go kayaking. And being the dutiful husband that I am...
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October 24th, 2004
By Pat Traynor
Carol's directions to the put-in were perfect. And they would have been even more helpful if I'd remembered to bring them with me. So Chip and I made it as far as the river itself and drove around for 10 minutes through Bradley Palmer State Park before admitting that we didn't have a clue. I called my wife Sue on the cell and had her read me the directions (which were still sitting on top of the printer).
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October 16th, 2004
By Pat Traynor
I launched just downstream from where Elm Street crosses the river. For those who are familiar with the area, this is the quaint bridge that is only wide enough for one lane and has to be regulated by a traffic signal. There is a herring ladder here and some sort of water dept. facility.
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October 9th, 2004
By Chip Hebert
This trip was kind of came up out of the blue. I had been seeing my
calendar fill up more and more since school started and have been going
through paddling withdrawals since our campout. While reviewing the tide
charts for a possible future paddle I noticed that Saturday was an early
8:30am high tide. The wheels started turning. If I can drag myself out of
bed at 6:00, I can get a few hours in before my daughters soccer game. I
decided to go for it. I let Pat know figuring I would be going solo due to
the hour of the day. Silly me, before I knew it there were 4 of us and I
was the last one to show up. That's because I live the closest. It always
works out that way.
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October 1st 2004
By Pat Traynor
We launched a little before high tide. There is a dock right there at Steamboat Wharf Marina, with ample parking right next to it. So it's was one of the easiest canoe/kayak putins anywhere. Bea quickly mastered the art of getting into a yak from a dock and we were on our way.
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North River - Hanover to Humarock
September 25th 2004
By Chip Hebert
We all met at the Hanover Canoe Launch at 1:30. I got there early and unloaded mine and Joe's kayaks. Jim showed up with his hand crafted 17ft Chesapeake. I hadn't met Jim but knew of his boat. We chatted a bit and unloaded Selkie. Pat and Joe showed up along with our shuttle commander Sue. Once everything for the boats was unloaded Pat, Sue and I headed over to Couch beach to drop off my truck which was loaded with the camping gear.
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Couch Beach to Hanover at night
September 25th 2004
By Jim Fitzgerald
Okay, so I leave you guys in the midst of a spectacular sunset. Really, you guys ought to have come along for a while. I've never been on the river when it was so beautiful. The moon made the river a ribbon of silver. Current gently pulling me along. Birds flying overhead in the darkening sky. Wind just a slight warm breeze. Peaceful, soothing, just lovely. Until the Washington Street bridge. Then all hell broke loose...
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September 15th 2004
By Pat Traynor
This trip was made possible, because my wife Sue agreed to drop me off in one place and pick me up at another. Such a deal! The tragic thing is that I really *should* have gone on the previous day. It was sunny and crystal clear the entire day with just a hint of wind. On this trip, it was cloudy just about the entire time, and pretty breezy.
Sue dropped me off at the Marshfield town landing in Humarock, and I launched from there. It was about half an hour before high tide, so I was paddling against the current, but it was only slight. Being a weekday, and out of the summer vacation season, there were very few power boats on the trip, which made it nice.
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Humarock to Marshfield Center and back
September 12th 2004
By Pat Traynor
This was my first trip out with my newly constructed yak rack. (I'll probably have to paint it black just for rhyming purposes.) It did me proud on the epic 3-mile trek from my house to Humarock. I'd hoped to try out my new wheeled yak dolly, but since we parked only feet away from the water, it didn't make a lot of sense. Another time...
We met at the Marshfield Town Landing at 10am and launched at approximately 10:20. Ocean high tide was scheduled for 11am, so this gave us a gentle current for the trip upriver. The weather was just slightly better than perfect - mid 70s and an occasional gentle breeze.
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July 12th 2004
By Chip Hebert
We launched from Nelson Beach an hour or so after high tide and headed south toward the harbor by way of the jetty bridge. We paddled around the inner harbor a bit enjoying the rolling wakes from some of the motorized vessels.
Avoiding the channel and other larger craft as much as possible, we headed over to the Mayflower and Plymouth Rock. I must say it is quite a sight to see these historic sites from this new perspective. People were looking and pointing at us as we nestled up close to the Mayflower. I guess the Mayflower didn't make the cut as a potential target by Homeland Security. I was expecting to be shooed away by some security type in a pilgrim outfit.
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North River, Hanover to Marshfield MA
July 10th 2004
By Chip Hebert
Crew gathered at 7:00am at camp to get the caravan moving. Jeff with friends and Steve drove down that morning. Mike and Joe would meet us at the put in. We set off without waking too many people and were on our way after a quick stop for Java at Dunkin Donuts.
It was about a half hour drive to the put in at Hanover. Mike and Joe were waiting along West Elm for us and hooked on to the end of the caravan. We unloaded the boats and gear and brought everything down to the ramp. It looked quite impressive for a first time trip leader.
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